5 Ways A House Cleaning Service Can Improve Your Health

Are you interested in hiring a home cleaning service for your house or office? Learn more about the type of cleaning service you need.

5 Ways A House Cleaning Service Can Improve Your Health

13 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Professional house cleaners do more than save you the time and effort of maintaining your home. Scheduling regular weekly service can also make your home a more pleasant and healthier place to spend your time. 

1. Improved Natural Light

Dirty, grimy windows can be easy to ignore when one is so busy that cleaning is little more than cursory, but that reduction of natural light can make the home seem oppressive. This can contribute to fatigue and other mental health complaints. Your cleaning service will keep both the inside and outside of the windows sparkling so that plenty of light can get into your home. 

2. Less Dust and Mold

Dust and mold can irritate allergies, cause respiratory distress, or lead to itchy eyes. Professional cleaning services dust all surfaces, even those that are hard to reach or easily overlooked. Bathrooms, kitchens, and around windows and sills — locations where mold likes to hide — are thoroughly wiped down to remove any hidden spores. Regular deep vacuuming of carpets and vacuuming of drapes will further decrease dust and mold spore issues in the home.

3. Thorough Disinfecting

A surface can look clean while still harboring illness-causing germs. The bathroom is especially prone to this issue, but the kitchen and even the living room can also be a hotbed of germ activity. Your cleaning service will use disinfectants throughout your home to ensure that all surfaces are clean of both visible and invisible contaminants. This treatment isn't just reserved for countertops. Appliances, fixtures, and walls will also be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

4. Bad Odor Removal

There are many causes of odors within a home, but hidden dirt and dust are often the culprit. Pet dander and mold spores in carpeting, for example, can lead to sour or musty odors during damp or humid weather. If the carpets are regularly vacuumed, then those odors don't tend to occur. Residue left on kitchen walls after cooking can hold old stale cooking odors for months. Regular house cleaning prevents these odors from building up so your home smells fresher.

5. Stress Reduction

Trying to fit in all the chores of home along with your other responsibilities can leave one feeling stretched thin and stressed. Stress isn't just uncomfortable, it also has negative implications on your general health and well-being. Simply delegating the task of weekly cleaning to a professional can free up your energy for other things, which can help lower stress.

Contact a house cleaning service to schedule your first visit today.

About Me
How to Hire the Best Maid Service

My name is Emily, and I work in home cleaning services. I have worked as a live-in, full time maid for the very wealthy as well as for a cleaning service in average homes. Many people hate cleaning. This means that there is a lot of opportunity to work as a maid. And guess what? It can be really fun. If you enjoy organization, meeting new people, and doing your job outside the walls of an office, working for a cleaning service might be the perfect job for you. I hope I can teach you exactly how to go about getting this kind of job and why it's a great idea.
