How to Hire the Best Maid Service

Are you interested in hiring a home cleaning service for your house or office? Learn more about the type of cleaning service you need.

Two Ways To Manage Your Cleaning Service’s Stuff

4 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to commercial office cleaning, there are usually two ways to manage the equipment and supplies. Your cleaning service may ask you if they can have a maintenance closet for their stuff, or they may bring it with them. There are pros and cons to each, but you may find one way more appealing than the other. Storing Commercial Office Cleaning Equipment Onsite If you already store cleaning supplies for the office in a supply closet, it is not that much of a stretch to put the cleaning service's equipment in there as well. Read More …

Kids Making Your Windows Dirty? Tips For How To Clean Them

9 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Finding messes caused by your kids is every parent's nightmare. For instance, you go to open the curtains and find that they've put stickers on the windows, as well as hand prints everywhere. You will want to get the windows clean again, but may not know how to do it. Thankfully, there are some natural methods of cleaning the window to make it look clear once again. Here are some tips for cleaning two common problems caused by kids. Read More …

3 Common Household Items That Can Clean Your Carpets

7 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are like most homeowners, you have had your fair share of stains and spills on the carpet. As the stains manifest themselves, you are probably wondering if you need to call for professionals or if you can treat the problem yourself. It is always a good idea to call a professional, but in some cases you may not be able to. Luckily, there are some common household items that you can use to clean your carpets. Read More …

5 Tips For Restoring Your Home After Water Damage

7 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you're home has been damaged due to excessive amounts of water, you will want to repair this problem as quickly as you can. It's critical to do this to avoid additional damage to your property that can be expensive to fix. There are specific things you can do immediately after this issue arises in your home and knowing what these tips are can be beneficial for a full restoration. Read More …

Have A Ragweed Allergy? Keep The Carpet Void Of Pollen With Several Methods

2 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Allergies are caused by many things, but one of the major culprits is ragweed. It grows all throughout the United States, so there is no option to escape this allergen without moving out of the country. This can make it difficult because you may experience symptoms for all seasons excluding winter. A helpful step is to eliminate the things inside your home that may harbor ragweed pollen. So keep the decorations to a minimum and dust off televisions, ceiling fans, and hard-surface furniture on a regular basis. Read More …

About Me
How to Hire the Best Maid Service

My name is Emily, and I work in home cleaning services. I have worked as a live-in, full time maid for the very wealthy as well as for a cleaning service in average homes. Many people hate cleaning. This means that there is a lot of opportunity to work as a maid. And guess what? It can be really fun. If you enjoy organization, meeting new people, and doing your job outside the walls of an office, working for a cleaning service might be the perfect job for you. I hope I can teach you exactly how to go about getting this kind of job and why it's a great idea.
