
Are you interested in hiring a home cleaning service for your house or office? Learn more about the type of cleaning service you need.

Three Reasons You Should Use Green Commercial Cleaning Services

22 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As a business owner, you have the option of what type of cleaning services are used on your establishment. It is easy to go with the cheapest or most popular company. However, there are at least three reasons why you should choose a company that uses environmentally-friendly products and practices when cleaning your establishment. Social Responsibility In order for your business to survive and be profitable, you need the people of the community to utilize your products or services. Read More …

Chimney Fire Safety, Prevention And Extinguishing

21 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Temperatures are beginning to dip close to freezing in many areas of the country. Many people are beginning to use their fireplaces and wood burning stoves to keep warm on the chilly evenings, nights and mornings. Wood fires provide a lot of heat, but they unfortunately can put your home and family in danger. Have you done all that you can to prevent and prepare for a chimney fire? Chimney Cleaning before a Flame Read More …

Easy Tips To Help You Organize Your Kitchen

23 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Are you tired of the cluttered mess you have in your home, and especially in your kitchen? Your kitchen is probably the most popular room in your house, which is why it may be one of the most unorganized areas, but you can get it under control. Here are some easy tips to follow to help you get the important rooms of your home organized. Get rid of stuff The first thing you should consider is getting rid of some of the things you own. Read More …

Affordable and Great at-Home Carpet Cleaning Solutions

17 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have kids and small pets in your home? If so, then carpet messes may be easy to come by, and these can hurt the appearance of your home. Rather than utilizing a cleaning company or spending a great deal of money on carpet cleaning products, you may want to try your own at-home carpet cleaning methods. This is a great option, as you don't have to worry about toxic carpet-cleaning chemicals that you may find in most cleaning products. Read More …

What To Clean Before A Client Comes Into The Building

6 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Having clients come into the building can be a stressful experience for the people hosting the client, as well as for everyone else in the building. The entire workforce is under scrutiny. One way to reduce the overall stress of the people who are working in the building is to hire a cleaning company to make sure that the building looks amazing for the client. Even if you do not have the time or the money to hire a full-time cleaning service to clean everything before the client comes, you can still utilize a cleaning service's expertise to improve your client's overall experience. Read More …

About Me
How to Hire the Best Maid Service

My name is Emily, and I work in home cleaning services. I have worked as a live-in, full time maid for the very wealthy as well as for a cleaning service in average homes. Many people hate cleaning. This means that there is a lot of opportunity to work as a maid. And guess what? It can be really fun. If you enjoy organization, meeting new people, and doing your job outside the walls of an office, working for a cleaning service might be the perfect job for you. I hope I can teach you exactly how to go about getting this kind of job and why it's a great idea.
